Car Repairs Ipswich at DD Autoserve

Got A Problem With Your Vehicle? Let Us Take A Look

The Engine Management light and what it means if comes on

Illuminates when the ignition is switched on.

It should extinguish as soon as the engine starts.

If it illuminates with the engine running, it indicates a malfunction with the engine management system. Have this checked as soon as possible. The car would need to be plugged into a diagnostics machine to check for engine faults.

With the light illuminated, the vehicle is still safe to drive as long as no other faults are apparent with the engine.

Have the vehicle checked by DD Autoserve as soon as possible to avoid any damage being caused. We use the latest Snap on Diagnostics machine to check faults.

We can carry out any diagnostic checks or repairs that may be required, whether it is just bulbs that need replacing or the engine is running ‘lumpy’ speak to us at DD Autoserve Ltd


DD Autoserve Ltd can carry out your cambelt replacement

What Is a CamBelt?

A timing belt, timing chain or cambelt is a part of an internal combustion engine that synchronizes the rotation of the crankshaft and the camshaft so that the engine's valves open and close at the proper times during each cylinder's intake and exhaust strokes. I is also critical to preventing the piston from striking the valves. A cambelt is usually a toothed belt with teeth on the inside surface. A Cambelt is also often known a s a timing belt.

It is vital that a Cambelt is changed before it breaks as this can cause catastrophic damage to an engine.

When should I change my Cambelt?

There is no hard and fast rule for this and each vehicle manufacturer recommends different intervals which could range from 4 - 6 Years or 40,000 - 100,000 Miles. You should refer to your vehicle handbook for this. If you are unsure contact us at DD Autoserve Ltd and we can advise you.

DDAutoserve Interior the place for Car Repairs Ipswich

Contact us today to discuss any faults or problems with your vehicle. Call us on 01473 728808 or send us a message using our Online Contact Form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:

8:00am - 5:00pm


8.00am - 1:00pm

Sunday & Bank Holidays:


Our services

Contact us

11 Stanley Ave, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 8DE
01473 728808

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